The modern Class II Microbiological Safety Cabinet, now regarded as probably the most common in-use Safety Cabinet employed around the world, is available with features meeting the stringent ergonomic and green requirements in many countries.
When considering the basic requirements of operator, product, and environmental protection, they are the cornerstone of the modern scientific research laboratory where sterility and safety is paramount.
When considering the purchase of a Class II Cabinet, it is important to consider a number of issues to ensure the supplied unit meets the demands of users, purchasers and maintenance personnel.
Points such as good ergonomics, low noise levels, low maintenance and running costs and ease of use, are all considered as basic requirements and manufacturers approach these issues in a variety of ways. Getting these wrong can mean higher costs coupled with operator fatigue leading to research delays and increased downtime.
This article aims to give guidance to those new to the business or involved in the design and installation of Class II Cabinets into new or existing facilities and discusses the cabinet features in relation to operator safety, ergonomics and environmental impact.